LMS Portals
Adobe Captivate for eLearning
LMS Portals | Adobe Captivate for eLearning
Combining LMS Portals with Adobe Captivate for Corporate eLearning
Adobe Captivate offers a powerful authoring tool that makes it fast and easy to build eLearning content. Captivate allows for various types of learning experiences, including online course, quizzes, tutorials, and more. Captivate offers screencasting capabilities in that it can be used to record your computer screen and microphone inputs, so that you can create a tutorial using the programs and files on your screen.
Adobe Captivate offers various output options to publish eLearning courses for various devices, including Desktops, iPads, and mobile devices. And Captivate offers publishing options to a variety of formats, such as HTML5, Video, SWF, Executable, App, and Adobe Connect.
Utilizing Captivate for Corporate eLearning
Some of the most common ways corporate eLearning program administrators leverage Captivate include:
Employee Skill Development
The development of a continuous learning program can help keep your organization ahead of the competition. Ongoing training in the form of corporate eLearning can help reduce gaps in employee skills and help ensure they are as prepared as possible to effectively perform their job role.
Customer Service Training
Ensure that your front-line customer service employees receive the training they need to provide first-rate service. Build and deploy course material to support product and industry knowledge along with content to develop the skills they need regarding communication, problem-solving, and listening skills.
Compliance Training
Leverage the power of Captivate and LMS Portals to build and maintain awareness and skills regarding compliance regulations. Quickly build and deploy new compliance learning courses and content as your training needs change and grow.
Channel Partner Training
Build and expand the skills of your channel partner organizations through effective learning programs. Provide these partners organizations with autonomy by offering their own instance of a customizable LMS Portal.
Sales Training
Deliver critical sales training courses and content at the point of need to ensure maximum productivity. Help ensure your sales staff stays current regarding your product and service offerings as well as industry trends and new sales methodologies.
Adobe Captivate and LMS Portals for Corporate eLearning
Leverage the Adobe Captivate authoring tool to create powerful eLearning content for delivery through the LMS Portals corporate eLearning platform. Launch and manage your own corporate-branded eLearning platform with powerful features for student onboarding, testing, analytics, and more.
Contact us to learn more and get started for free