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Laptop and Notebook

LMS Portals 
White Papers and Brochures

Beverage Mug and a Laptop

LMS Portals Overview Brochure

An introduction and overview of the LMS Portals 

platform and features for corporate eLearning and training.

Giving a Presentation

LMS Portals Platform Introduction

A slide deck that introduces the LMS Portals platform and features.

Server Installation

LMS Portals Security Overview

An introduction and overview of the LMS Portals 

platform security.

Laptop & Coffee

White Paper: Multi-Tenant LMS for Third-Party Training

A white paper that outlines the opportunities in third-party corporate training  and the benefits of a multi-tenant LMS.

Work Presentation

Slides: Multi-Tenant LMS for Third-Party Training

Slide presentation outlining the opportunities in third-party corporate training  and the benefits of a multi-tenant LMS.


LMS Portals Course Library

A complete list of our ready-made courses in a single, downloadable PDF.

Course Library

LMS Portals API Information

Full documentation regarding the use and benefits of the LMS Portals REST API.


LMS Portals Zoom App Creation

Step-by-step instructions for building your LMS Portals Zoom app.

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