Most companies now understand that their people are their most valuable asset. To effectively compete, businesses put tremendous emphasis on the recruiting and hiring process and the development of a significant talent base. For many organizations though, the investment in their employees ends there. But today, as most every industry becomes more competitive and the workplace continues to increase in complexity, the implementation of effective and ongoing employee training has become critical to the viability and success (both short-term and long-term) of most every organization.

Some of the specific benefits your company can expect through the implementation of employee training include:
Increased Productivity
Employees who participate in training programs are better prepared to perform in their job roles. Relevant and effective training provides employees with a better understanding of their role and responsibilities and how their duties impact their colleagues and your organization as a whole. In addition, competent employees can help your company build and maintain a leadership position within your industry.
Decreased Turnover
Companies that invest in employee training demonstrate that they value their people. Offering employee training contributes to a supportive workplace and can help your workers to achieve their own professional goals as they increase their value to your company. Employees who feel appreciated through training opportunities tend to feel more satisfaction in their jobs and loyalty to their employers.
Improved Recruiting
In addition to contributing to worker loyalty, companies that offer employee training tend to have an easier time recruiting and hiring talent as people are increasingly looking to work for companies that offer them the opportunity to enhance their workplace value through training.
Increased Revenues
Companies that include sales training as part of their employee training program can expect to see increased revenues through the development of enhanced sales team skills. And incorporating customer service training can help to protect your company’s existing customer base and revenues.

eLearning for Employee Training
In the past, the only real option that companies had when designing and implementing an employee training program was classroom-based, in-person training. But the availability of newer cloud-based technologies combined with increasingly remote workforces (a trend that was in place even before COVID-19) has made electronic learning, “eLearning” the preferred approach for most companies today. Not only is eLearning more flexible and convenient, but it eliminates many of the significant costs associated with traditional classroom-based training, such as travel, venue and on-site instructor fees, catering, and the printing and distribution of training materials. In addition, eLearning-based employee training minimizes the time it takes to develop and deploy new training content and courses, which is critical for time-sensitive training topics, such as compliance.
Learning Management Systems for eLearning-Based Corporate Training
The core technology that supports all types of eLearning programs, including employee training, is a Learning Management System, or “LMS”. An LMS is the application you use to build, deliver, manage, and track your eLearning-based employee training program.
While some companies choose to deploy their LMS on-premises (self-hosted), they tend to be larger organizations that have the resources (both financial and labor) to implement the system and then manage it on an ongoing basis. Today, it is more common for companies to work with third-party cloud-based vendors to access the LMS features and capacity they need over the Internet.
A relatively recent development in LMS technology is in the availability of a multi-tenant architecture. While a single tenant LMAS dedicates the entirety of its infrastructure to use by a single training audience, a multi-tenant LMS allows you to “spin up” new instances of the application on-demand to provide customized support for each of your training audiences. A multi-tenant LMS is particularly well-suited for organizations that want to include extended enterprise training as part of their over all employee training program.

LMS Portals: An Employee Training Portal Platform
LMS Portals provides our clients and partners with a cloud-based, multi-tenant learning management system that allows you to launch and manage customized employee training portals on-demand. Each portal can be uniquely branded and includes powerful tools for rapid course development, user onboarding, learner collaboration, analytics, and more.
Visit our Partner Program pages to learn more or contact us today to get started
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