In an increasingly competitive and complex corporate world, employee training has become more valuable than ever. Employees are the most important asset of any company and investing skills and knowledge can bring a greater return that almost any other investment an organization can make. In fact, a number of studies have shown that companies that invest in employee development and training can expect an increase in their amount of revenue per employee along with an improvement of their bottom line.
Classroom-based Training v eLearning
In the past companies relied on traditional, classroom-based training to support their employee learning and development programs. Bit in recent years, as cloud-based technologies have continued to evolve, online learning or “eLearning” has become the cornerstone of employee training programs for many organizations. One of the primary factors in this strategy shift is the opportunity to decrease costs as eLearning eliminates many of the expensive components of employee training, such as the need for travel and on-site instructors.
eLearning is also considered to be more efficient in that it enables employees to access the training content they need, when and where they need it. And eLearning offers an element of consistency and convenience that classroom-based training cannot match.
On-Premises v Cloud-Based LMS
A Learning Management System (LMS) is the foundational technology that supports an online employee training program. While some companies choose to deploy an on-premises LMS, they tend to be larger companies that have the human and financial resources to support and manage this effort.
The more typical approach, especially for small to medium-sized businesses, is in working with a cloud-based LMS from a third-party provider. A cloud-based LMS eliminates the need for a large, up-front capital investment in software and infrastructure. It also minimizes the operational requirements in the maintenance and management of the system as these services are provided by the LMS vendor. And because many cloud-based LMS vendors offer the use of their system on a subscription basis, their clients can use (and pay for) the specific capacity they need at any given time, without paying for features and capacity they do not need.
Typical Cloud-Based LMS Employee Training Program Use Cases
While a cloud-based LMS can support all types of employee training and development programs, some of the most common use cases include:
Employee orientation and onboarding
Skills development
Compliance awareness and training
Sales and customer service skills
Leadership development
Workplace culture and diversity
LMS Portals: Cloud-Based LMS for Employee Training
LMS Portals offers our clients and partners a cloud-based, multi-tenant learning management system. Our platform allows administrators to dynamically launch and manage private, customized eLearning environments to support diverse training needs for unique audiences. And each portal you launch has its own corporate branding. User onboarding system, messaging and collaboration tools, reporting and analytics tracking, and more.
Visit our Partner Program pages to learn more or contact us today to get started
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