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Employee Training and Development Catalog: Available Course Topics

Employee Training and Development Catalog

In today’s competitive business landscape, the key to sustained growth and success often lies in how well a company develops its workforce. Successful organizations understand that investing in employee training and development not only enhances skill sets but also fosters loyalty, increases productivity, and keeps them ahead of industry trends.

Let’s dive into why companies that prioritize employee training and development are more likely to succeed and how they do it effectively.

1. Employee Engagement and Retention

One of the biggest challenges companies face today is employee turnover. Studies have shown that employees who receive ongoing training are more engaged and satisfied with their jobs, leading to lower turnover rates. A well-trained employee feels more valued and connected to the company, which increases job satisfaction and commitment.

When employees are confident in their skills, they’re more likely to take ownership of their roles and contribute to long-term company goals. Offering personal and professional development programs allows employees to grow with the company rather than seek opportunities elsewhere. In fact, continuous learning programs are becoming a powerful tool in combating the current "great resignation" trend.

2. Boosting Productivity and Innovation

Training and development programs are directly linked to productivity. When employees understand the latest industry tools and technologies, they can perform tasks more efficiently, reducing the margin for error. Moreover, upskilling employees not only improves their existing abilities but also encourages innovation, as they are more likely to suggest process improvements or innovative solutions that drive business growth.

For example, companies that offer cross-functional training see a surge in collaborative efforts among teams. Employees with a broader skill set can understand the challenges and opportunities across different departments, leading to better coordination and overall efficiency.

3. Adapting to Industry Changes

Industries evolve rapidly, and staying updated on trends and technologies is essential for maintaining a competitive edge. A company’s workforce is its most important asset, and providing training ensures that employees can adapt to new challenges and opportunities. Whether it’s learning new software, adhering to updated compliance regulations, or adopting fresh customer service techniques, training keeps a business agile.

Many successful companies integrate eLearning platforms and Learning Management Systems (LMS) to provide continuous training. These digital solutions make it easy to update learning materials and deliver training to employees no matter their location, ensuring that the workforce evolves alongside industry changes.

4. Building Leadership Capabilities

A well-structured employee development program doesn’t just focus on the present but prepares employees for future roles within the organization. Companies that prioritize leadership development see greater internal mobility, filling leadership roles with individuals who already understand the company culture and goals.

Leadership training also instills confidence in employees and enhances decision-making skills. This approach is vital for succession planning, ensuring that the company is never short on capable leaders to steer the business toward its objectives.

5. Creating a Culture of Continuous Learning

A company culture that emphasizes learning and growth motivates employees to strive for self-improvement. When employees know that they have opportunities to learn and develop within the organization, they are more inclined to take initiative, seek out training opportunities, and stay curious.

Successful companies like Google, Microsoft, and IBM have embraced the idea of continuous learning, offering regular workshops, mentorship programs, and online courses. They promote a mindset that encourages employees to pursue their professional interests while also aligning with the company’s strategic goals.

6. Measuring the ROI of Training and Development

For businesses concerned with the return on investment (ROI), employee training offers tangible benefits. From reducing errors to increasing operational efficiency, the costs associated with employee training are often outweighed by the gains in productivity and innovation. Tracking performance metrics pre- and post-training can provide a clear picture of the benefits.

Moreover, companies can tailor their training programs to address specific business objectives, ensuring that resources are well-spent. Whether it’s improving customer satisfaction scores, decreasing production times, or enhancing leadership skills, targeted training can help achieve these goals.

Employee training and development is no longer an optional extra for successful companies—it is a strategic necessity. Companies that invest in their workforce’s growth are better positioned to adapt to industry changes, foster innovation, and maintain a competitive edge. By offering continuous training and development, organizations can build a motivated, skilled, and loyal workforce that is eager to drive success.

In today’s fast-paced world, the companies that thrive are the ones that understand the value of empowering their employees to reach their full potential.

Critical Topics and Courses for Employee Training

Let’s explore some essential areas and courses that should be part of any comprehensive employee training program.

1. Onboarding and Orientation Training

Purpose: To help new hires become familiar with the company culture, policies, and their specific roles.

Every organization needs a robust onboarding process. This training helps new employees integrate into the company more quickly, understand their roles, and become productive team members faster. Courses on company policies, values, and mission should be covered, as well as essential topics like compliance, workplace safety, and job-specific responsibilities.

Courses to Include:

  • Company culture and values

  • Code of conduct and ethics

  • Compliance training (e.g., health and safety)

  • Job-specific tools and technology

  • HR policies and benefits overview

2. Compliance and Regulatory Training

Purpose: To ensure employees understand the legal requirements associated with their roles and the industry.

Compliance training is critical in heavily regulated industries such as finance, healthcare, and manufacturing. Failure to adhere to regulations can lead to legal consequences and hefty fines. By providing regular compliance courses, companies reduce the risk of non-compliance and ensure employees are knowledgeable about the laws that impact their work.

Courses to Include:

  • Workplace safety (e.g., OSHA regulations)

  • Anti-harassment and anti-discrimination training

  • Data privacy and security (GDPR, HIPAA, etc.)

  • Environmental regulations and compliance

  • Industry-specific regulatory requirements

3. Technical and Job-Specific Training

Purpose: To keep employees up-to-date on the latest tools, software, and industry advancements.

In today’s fast-evolving workplace, technical training is essential for staying competitive. Whether it’s learning new software, mastering new equipment, or adopting updated processes, job-specific training keeps employees current and effective in their roles. This is particularly important in industries such as technology, finance, and manufacturing, where rapid innovation is common.

Courses to Include:

  • Software and tool proficiency (e.g., CRM systems, ERP platforms)

  • Process and workflow management (e.g., Six Sigma, Lean)

  • Specialized industry tools (e.g., AutoCAD for engineers)

  • Data analysis and visualization skills

4. Leadership and Management Training

Purpose: To prepare employees for leadership roles and equip managers with the skills to lead effectively.

Leadership and management training are essential for creating a strong leadership pipeline and improving team performance. These programs help managers develop the skills needed to lead teams, make strategic decisions, and foster a productive work environment. Leadership training also aids succession planning by identifying and nurturing future leaders within the organization.

Courses to Include:

  • Conflict resolution and problem-solving

  • Strategic decision-making

  • Communication and emotional intelligence

  • Team building and motivation

  • Performance management and coaching

5. Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion (DEI) Training

Purpose: To promote an inclusive workplace and foster a culture of diversity and respect.

DEI training is crucial in today’s globalized and multicultural work environment. It helps employees understand the importance of diversity and inclusion and encourages respect for different perspectives and backgrounds. Companies that prioritize DEI training build stronger, more innovative teams and create a work environment where everyone feels valued.

Courses to Include:

  • Understanding unconscious bias

  • Cultural competency and awareness

  • Building inclusive teams

  • Promoting equity in the workplace

  • Gender and racial equality

6. Customer Service Training

Purpose: To equip employees with the skills to provide exceptional service and improve customer satisfaction.

Customer service is at the heart of many businesses, and training in this area ensures that employees can handle customer inquiries, complaints, and feedback effectively. Whether a company serves consumers or B2B clients, strong customer service skills lead to better relationships and long-term success.

Courses to Include:

  • Active listening and communication

  • Conflict resolution and de-escalation techniques

  • Customer relationship management

  • Handling difficult customers

  • Building customer loyalty

7. Soft Skills Training

Purpose: To develop interpersonal skills that improve teamwork, communication, and collaboration.

Soft skills, often referred to as interpersonal or people skills, are critical for building effective teams and fostering a positive work environment. These skills include communication, empathy, emotional intelligence, and time management. Providing soft skills training empowers employees to collaborate more effectively and handle workplace challenges with ease.

Courses to Include:

  • Communication and active listening

  • Emotional intelligence and empathy

  • Time management and prioritization

  • Collaboration and teamwork

  • Adaptability and resilience

8. Digital Literacy and Cybersecurity Training

Purpose: To equip employees with essential digital skills and knowledge of cybersecurity best practices.

In an increasingly digital world, employees need to be proficient with technology and aware of cybersecurity threats. Digital literacy training ensures employees can use the latest tools efficiently, while cybersecurity training helps protect sensitive data and prevent security breaches.

Courses to Include:

  • Basic digital literacy (using spreadsheets, documents, emails)

  • Cybersecurity awareness and best practices

  • Safe browsing and phishing prevention

  • Protecting company data and confidentiality

  • Using company software securely (e.g., VPN, password management)

9. Sales and Negotiation Training

Purpose: To improve sales techniques and negotiation skills for better business outcomes.

Sales teams play a pivotal role in driving revenue, making sales training essential. Courses focused on negotiation, client relationship building, and closing deals can enhance the effectiveness of sales teams and drive business growth. Negotiation skills are also important for roles beyond sales, as they can be applied to internal and external negotiations alike.

Courses to Include:

  • Sales techniques and strategies

  • Client relationship management

  • Closing deals and upselling

  • Negotiation skills

  • Handling objections

10. Health and Wellness Training

Purpose: To support employees' physical and mental well-being, contributing to higher productivity and job satisfaction.

Health and wellness training has become increasingly important as more companies recognize the value of supporting their employees' mental and physical health. Programs can focus on stress management, work-life balance, and overall wellness, contributing to a healthier, more productive workforce.

Courses to Include:

  • Stress management and mindfulness

  • Work-life balance and productivity

  • Physical wellness programs

  • Mental health awareness and support

  • Healthy work habits (e.g., ergonomics, nutrition)


Employee training is an essential investment that yields long-term benefits for both the organization and its workforce. By offering courses that address key skills and competencies—ranging from technical and compliance training to leadership and soft skills—companies can build a well-rounded, adaptable, and motivated team that drives success. An effective training program covers the diverse needs of the workforce, ensuring that employees are equipped to thrive in their roles and contribute to the organization’s goals.

The LMS Portals Employee Training Ready-Made Courses

At LMS Portals, we offer a complete library of ready-made online courses, covering most every aspects of employee training and development.  Specific areas of training include:

·        Human Resources

·        Management and Leadership

·        Sales and Marketing

·        Administrative Skills

·        Personal Development

·        Security and Compliance

·        Essential Workplace Skills

Courses can be grouped into customized learning paths and you can offer personalized certificates for the completion of courses or paths.

About LMS Portals

At LMS Portals, we provide our clients and partners with a SaaS-based, multi-tenant learning management system that allows you to launch a dedicated training environment (a portal) for each of your unique audiences.

The system includes built-in, SCORM-compliant rapid course development software that provides a drag and drop engine to enable most anyone to build engaging courses quickly and easily. 

We also offer a complete library of ready-made courses, covering most every aspect of corporate training and employee development.

If you choose to, you can create Learning Paths to deliver courses in a logical progression and add structure to your training program.  The system also supports Virtual Instructor-Led Training (VILT) and provides tools for social learning.

Together, these features make the LMS Portals platform the ideal SaaS-based platform with a complete library of ready-made courses covering most every area of employee training and development.

Contact us today to get started or visit our Partner Program pages

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