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Fourteen Microtraining Best Practices for Employee Development

Microtraining for Employee Development

Microtraining, also known as microlearning or microeducation, is an approach to training and education that involves delivering content in small, focused, bite-sized units. Instead of traditional long-form training sessions or courses, microtraining breaks down learning materials into short, easily digestible modules or lessons. These modules typically range from a few minutes to a maximum of 15-20 minutes in length.

Key characteristics of microtraining include:

  • Short duration: Microtraining modules are designed to be brief and concise, allowing learners to quickly access and absorb information without investing a significant amount of time.

  • Specific focus: Each microtraining module typically covers a single topic, concept, or skill, making it easier for learners to grasp and retain the material.

  • Accessibility: Microtraining can be delivered through various formats, including videos, infographics, quizzes, podcasts, and interactive e-learning modules. This flexibility allows learners to access the content through different devices and platforms.

  • Just-in-time learning: Microtraining is often used to provide learners with the information they need at the moment of need. It can be especially effective for on-the-job training or addressing specific performance gaps.

  • Mobile-friendly: Microtraining is well-suited for mobile learning, as it can be easily consumed on smartphones and tablets, making it convenient for learners to access training materials wherever and whenever they need them.

  • Personalization: Microtraining can be tailored to individual learner needs, allowing organizations to offer personalized learning experiences.

  • Gamification and interactivity: To keep learners engaged, microtraining modules may incorporate elements of gamification and interactivity, such as quizzes, challenges, and rewards.

Microtraining has gained popularity in recent years due to its ability to provide efficient and effective learning experiences, especially in fast-paced work environments where employees may not have the time for lengthy training sessions. It can also be used to reinforce and supplement traditional training methods.

Additionally, the short, focused nature of microtraining can help learners better retain information and apply it in real-world situations.

The Benefits of Microtraining for Employee Development

Microtraining offers several benefits for employee development, making it a valuable approach for organizations looking to enhance the skills and knowledge of their workforce.

Here are some of the key advantages of microtraining:

Time efficiency

Microtraining modules are short and focused, allowing employees to access and complete them quickly. This is particularly beneficial in busy work environments where employees may have limited time for training. It enables them to fit learning into their schedules without significant disruptions.

Improved knowledge retention

Short, bite-sized training modules are easier for employees to digest and remember. The focused nature of microtraining helps prevent cognitive overload and enhances information retention. Employees are more likely to retain and apply what they've learned in their daily tasks.


Microtraining can be delivered through various digital platforms, making it accessible to employees on their smartphones, tablets, or computers. This flexibility allows for on-the-go learning, enabling employees to access training materials whenever and wherever it's most convenient for them.

Just-in-time learning

Microtraining is well-suited for providing employees with the specific knowledge or skills they need when they need it. It can address immediate job-related challenges, helping employees solve problems and make decisions in real-time.


Microtraining can be tailored to the individual needs and skill levels of employees. This personalization ensures that each employee receives relevant content and can progress at their own pace, maximizing the effectiveness of the training.

Engaging and interactive

Microtraining modules can incorporate gamification elements, quizzes, interactive scenarios, and multimedia content to make learning engaging and enjoyable. This can boost employee motivation and participation in the training process.


Microtraining can be more cost-effective than traditional training methods because it often requires fewer resources to create and deliver. It also reduces the time employees spend away from their work, minimizing productivity losses.

Ongoing learning culture

Microtraining encourages a culture of continuous learning within an organization. Employees can engage in short, frequent learning experiences, which can help them stay updated on industry trends and best practices.

Easy assessment and tracking

Microtraining platforms often come with built-in tracking and analytics features, allowing organizations to monitor employee progress, identify areas of improvement, and measure the impact of training initiatives.

Agile response to change

In rapidly evolving industries, microtraining can be used to quickly update employees on new technologies, processes, or regulations. It enables organizations to adapt to changes in the business environment more efficiently.

Overall, microtraining can be a powerful tool for employee development, offering a flexible and effective way to build skills, improve performance, and support organizational growth. When implemented strategically, it can contribute to a more knowledgeable, engaged, and adaptable workforce.

Fourteen Microtraining Best Practices for Employee Development

To maximize the effectiveness of microtraining for employee development, consider implementing the following best practices:

1. Identify clear learning objectives

Start by defining specific learning objectives for each microtraining module. What do you want employees to learn or achieve? Clear objectives help guide content creation and ensure that training is focused and relevant.

2. Keep it brief and focused

Microtraining modules should be short and concise, typically ranging from a few minutes to 15-20 minutes in length. Avoid overwhelming learners with too much information in a single module; instead, address one topic or skill at a time.

3. Align with organizational goals

Ensure that microtraining content is directly related to the organization's goals and business objectives. This alignment helps employees see the value of the training and how it contributes to their success and the company's success.

4. Personalize the learning experience

Tailor microtraining to individual learner needs and preferences whenever possible. Consider offering content recommendations based on employee roles, skill levels, or previous learning achievements.

5. Use engaging and interactive formats

Make the training materials engaging by incorporating multimedia elements, interactive scenarios, quizzes, and gamification. Interactive content can boost learner motivation and enhance knowledge retention.

6. Provide access on multiple devices

Ensure that microtraining modules are accessible on various devices, such as smartphones, tablets, and computers. This flexibility allows employees to access training when and where they need it.

7. Promote self-paced learning

Encourage employees to take control of their learning by allowing them to progress through microtraining modules at their own pace. Avoid rigid schedules and deadlines, as this can create unnecessary pressure.

8. Offer opportunities for practice

Include practical exercises or simulations in microtraining modules to give employees a chance to apply what they've learned in a safe environment. Provide feedback and opportunities for reflection.

9. Integrate with the workflow

Whenever possible, design microtraining to seamlessly integrate with employees' daily work processes. This promotes the application of newly acquired knowledge and skills in real-world situations.

10. Measure and track progress

Use analytics and tracking tools to monitor employee progress and engagement with microtraining. Analyze data to identify areas where learners may be struggling and make necessary adjustments.

11. Encourage social learning

Incorporate features that allow employees to share insights, ask questions, and collaborate with colleagues. Peer interactions can enhance the learning experience and foster a sense of community.

12. Regularly update content

Keep microtraining content current by revising and updating modules as needed. Industries and technologies evolve, so it's essential to provide employees with the latest information and best practices.

13. Solicit feedback

Actively seek feedback from employees about the microtraining experience. Use their input to make improvements and adjustments to the training program.

14. Measure the impact

Assess the effectiveness of microtraining by evaluating its impact on employee performance, job satisfaction, and organizational outcomes. Use metrics and key performance indicators to measure success.

By following these best practices, organizations can create a successful microtraining program that supports employee development, enhances skills, and contributes to overall business success.

About LMS Portals

At LMS Portals, we provide our clients and partners with a SaaS-based, multi-tenant learning management system that allows you to launch a dedicated training environment (a portal) for each of your unique audiences.

The system includes built-in, SCORM-compliant rapid course development software that provides a drag and drop engine to enable most anyone to build engaging courses quickly and easily.

We also offer a complete library of ready-made courses, covering most every aspect of corporate training and employee development.

If you choose to, you can create Learning Paths to deliver courses in a logical progression and add structure to your training program. The system also supports Virtual Instructor-Led Training (VILT) and provides tools for social learning.

Together, these features make the LMS Portals platform the ideal solution to support your microtraining approach to employee training and development.

Contact us today to get started or visit our Partner Program pages

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