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How to Evaluate the Profitability of a SaaS Reseller Opportunity

Evaluate the Profitability of a SaaS Reseller Opportunity

In today's digital landscape, SaaS (Software as a Service) reseller opportunities have gained immense popularity, offering businesses a way to generate recurring revenue by selling cloud-based software solutions. However, not every SaaS reseller opportunity is a guaranteed moneymaker. Before diving into a partnership, it's crucial to evaluate the profitability of the opportunity.

Here’s a step-by-step guide on how to do just that.

1. Understand the Revenue Model

Every SaaS reseller opportunity comes with a unique revenue model. Some models offer recurring commissions for the life of the customer, while others may provide a one-time payout upon signing a client. To evaluate profitability, ask the following questions:

  • How much commission will you earn per sale?

  • Will you receive ongoing revenue from renewals or upsells?

  • Are there any bonuses for hitting specific sales targets?

SaaS companies that offer recurring commissions tend to be more profitable in the long run, as you’ll earn revenue as long as your clients continue to use the product.

2. Assess the Market Demand

Profitability hinges on demand. Investigate the SaaS product’s market potential by examining:

  • Target audience: Who are the ideal customers for this software?

  • Market trends: Is this software addressing a growing need?

  • Competitor analysis: Are there similar products, and if so, how does this SaaS stand out?

Software that solves urgent problems in industries experiencing growth, such as cloud storage, cybersecurity, or automation, will have greater profitability potential.

3. Evaluate the Reseller Support and Resources

Reseller success depends heavily on the level of support provided by the SaaS vendor. Evaluate the following:

  • Marketing materials: Are you supplied with sales collateral, such as case studies, demo videos, or brochures?

  • Training programs: Does the company offer thorough product and sales training?

  • Technical support: Is there a responsive support team to assist your clients?

Vendors that provide comprehensive support reduce your costs and increase your chances of closing more deals, thereby enhancing profitability.

4. Analyze the Software’s Pricing Structure

The pricing structure of the SaaS product will influence its marketability and profitability. Consider:

  • Affordability: Is the pricing competitive within the market?

  • Tiered pricing: Does the software offer tiered pricing or enterprise-level solutions that allow for upsells?

  • Discount flexibility: Are there opportunities to offer clients discounts or bundle services to make the sale more attractive?

Understanding how pricing aligns with your client base ensures you’re not selling a product that’s priced out of your market or difficult to upsell.

5. Consider the Competition

A competitive landscape can directly affect your sales success. Analyze:

  • How crowded the market is with similar SaaS products.

  • How the product you plan to resell compares in terms of features, usability, and pricing.

  • If the SaaS vendor offers any unique selling points or competitive advantages to differentiate you from other resellers.

If the SaaS product has a significant competitive edge, you can capture a larger market share, boosting profitability.

6. Review Potential Expenses

Profitability isn’t just about revenue—expenses also play a critical role. Factor in:

  • Initial investment: Is there a buy-in fee or licensing cost to become a reseller?

  • Marketing costs: Will you need to invest in advertising or lead generation to attract customers?

  • Training and onboarding costs: Are there expenses associated with learning and deploying the SaaS product?

By accounting for all potential costs upfront, you can determine if the opportunity will generate a sufficient return on investment.

7. Assess Customer Retention Potential

Recurring revenue is a significant factor in SaaS reseller profitability. A high customer retention rate means more sustained income for you. Consider:

  • Churn rate: What percentage of users stop using the SaaS product within a given period?

  • Product stickiness: Does the software become more valuable the longer a customer uses it?

  • Ongoing support: Will your clients have access to customer support that helps them maximize the value of the software?

A SaaS product with low churn and high retention potential increases the likelihood of sustained profitability for you as a reseller.

8. Examine Your Sales Capabilities

Your ability to sell the product directly impacts profitability. Consider whether the SaaS solution aligns with your sales strengths and existing network. If you already have clients who need the solution or are familiar with the software’s industry, you’ll have a head start in making profitable sales.

Evaluating the profitability of a SaaS reseller opportunity requires a deep dive into the revenue model, market demand, competition, and support provided by the vendor. By understanding these key factors, you’ll be able to identify opportunities that are not only lucrative but also align with your sales capabilities and long-term business goals.

Choose wisely, and you can build a successful business with a steady stream of recurring revenue.

Strategies for Building Your SaaS Reseller Business and Pricing Model

To succeed as a SaaS reseller, you need a well-thought-out strategy for building your business, attracting clients, and designing an effective pricing model. Here’s a comprehensive guide on how to build your SaaS reseller business and create a profitable pricing model.

1. Define Your Niche Market

Before launching your SaaS reseller business, it's important to identify your target market. Your niche could be based on industry, company size, or specific software needs. Focus on areas where you already have expertise, existing contacts, or demonstrated market demand.

Key Steps:

  • Industry focus: Select an industry you are familiar with (e.g., healthcare, finance, education) and research their specific pain points.

  • Company size: You can target small to medium-sized enterprises (SMEs) or large corporations based on their needs for scalable software solutions.

  • Pain point alignment: Identify problems your SaaS product solves, such as improving collaboration, enhancing data security, or automating repetitive tasks.

Example: A reseller focused on healthcare could offer a suite of SaaS solutions tailored for patient data management and telehealth services.

2. Partner with the Right SaaS Vendors

Choosing the right SaaS vendor is critical to your success. You'll want to partner with companies that offer reliable software with a strong brand presence and excellent support. Look for vendors with a reputation for innovation and continuous improvement.

Key Considerations:

  • Vendor reputation: Ensure the SaaS provider has a strong reputation for reliability and customer satisfaction.

  • Comprehensive support: Choose vendors that provide ongoing training, marketing materials, and technical support to assist you and your clients.

  • Revenue-sharing models: Review vendor pricing and commission structures. Opt for vendors that offer competitive reseller commission rates and flexible terms.

3. Develop a Marketing Strategy

Effective marketing is essential for building your SaaS reseller business. You'll need to generate leads, build brand awareness, and nurture customer relationships. An omnichannel marketing approach, combining online and offline strategies, is often the most effective.

Marketing Channels:

  • Content marketing: Create blogs, white papers, and case studies highlighting the benefits of the SaaS product you offer.

  • Email campaigns: Develop email marketing campaigns that target specific customer segments, emphasizing product features and pain-point solutions.

  • Webinars and demos: Host virtual events where potential clients can see live demos of the SaaS product in action.

  • Referral programs: Incentivize existing clients to refer new customers by offering discounts or bonuses.

Example: A SaaS reseller specializing in accounting software might offer a webinar to demonstrate how the product automates financial reporting.

4. Build a Sales Process

A streamlined sales process will help you convert leads into paying customers more efficiently. This includes identifying your customers’ needs, providing software demos, and guiding them through the decision-making process.

Key Steps:

  • Lead qualification: Develop a process to quickly identify whether a potential lead is likely to convert.

  • Product demos: Offer personalized demos that focus on solving the customer’s specific problems.

  • Consultative selling: Position yourself as a trusted advisor who understands the customer’s business challenges and recommends the best software solutions.

  • Follow-up: Consistently follow up with leads to answer questions and provide additional value, building trust and maintaining interest.

5. Pricing Model Strategies

The pricing model you choose for your SaaS reseller business will influence your revenue potential, customer acquisition, and retention. Here are several pricing models to consider:

a. Commission-Based Model

In this model, the reseller earns a percentage of the revenue generated by selling the SaaS product. It's a low-risk model that allows you to focus on sales without worrying about the backend costs.


  • No upfront investment.

  • Simple and straightforward model.


  • Limited control over pricing.

  • Dependent on the vendor’s commission structure.

b. Markup Model

The reseller adds a markup to the vendor's base price, allowing them to control the final price customers pay. This model gives you flexibility to offer discounts or promotions while maintaining profitability.


  • Full control over pricing.

  • Ability to offer discounts or bundle services.


  • Requires a deep understanding of customer price sensitivity.

  • Potential competition with other resellers using the same product.

c. Bundled Pricing Model

Bundle the SaaS product with complementary services, such as consulting, implementation, or technical support. This value-added approach enables you to differentiate from other resellers and increase your overall revenue.


  • Differentiates your offering.

  • Higher perceived value for customers.

  • Can increase margins by including additional services.


  • More complex to manage.

  • Requires strong expertise in the services you are bundling.

d. Tiered Pricing Model

Offer tiered pricing based on the features or services the customer selects. This model is commonly used for products that serve a wide range of customer needs, from small businesses to enterprises.


  • Flexibility to cater to different customer segments.

  • Encourages upselling as clients grow and need more features.


  • May require more sophisticated sales efforts.

  • Can confuse customers if not communicated clearly.

6. Customer Retention Strategies

One of the key advantages of a SaaS reseller business is the potential for recurring revenue, but that only works if you keep your customers happy. Focus on customer retention strategies to reduce churn and ensure long-term profitability.

Key Retention Strategies:

  • Onboarding assistance: Provide guidance to new clients to help them get the most out of the SaaS product.

  • Ongoing support: Offer technical support and customer service that makes it easy for clients to resolve issues quickly.

  • Regular check-ins: Maintain communication with your clients to ensure their needs are being met and to identify upselling opportunities.

  • Customer education: Provide resources, such as training materials and tutorials, to help clients fully leverage the software’s features.

7. Leverage Analytics for Growth

Analytics and data tracking are crucial for measuring your business performance and identifying areas for growth. Track metrics such as customer acquisition costs, churn rate, lifetime customer value, and profit margins to make informed business decisions.

Key Metrics:

  • Customer Lifetime Value (CLV): How much revenue a customer is expected to bring over their relationship with you.

  • Customer Acquisition Cost (CAC): The cost of acquiring a new customer, including marketing and sales expenses.

  • Churn Rate: The percentage of customers who stop using the software during a given period.

  • Monthly Recurring Revenue (MRR): The total predictable revenue you can expect to receive each month.


Building a profitable SaaS reseller business requires a combination of strong market focus, effective sales strategies, and a well-thought-out pricing model. Whether you choose a commission-based model, markup, or bundled pricing, understanding the needs of your niche market and offering ongoing value to your customers will position you for long-term success.

About LMS Portals

At LMS Portals, we provide our clients and partners with a SaaS-based, multi-tenant learning management system that allows you to launch a dedicated training environment (a portal) for each of your unique audiences.

The system includes built-in, SCORM-compliant rapid course development software that provides a drag and drop engine to enable most anyone to build engaging courses quickly and easily. 

We also offer a complete library of ready-made courses, covering most every aspect of corporate training and employee development.

If you choose to, you can create Learning Paths to deliver courses in a logical progression and add structure to your training program.  The system also supports Virtual Instructor-Led Training (VILT) and provides tools for social learning.

Together, these features make the LMS Portals platform the ideal SaaS-based platform for our clients and SaaS Reseller Partners.

Contact us today to get started or visit our Partner Program pages 

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