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How to Structure an Effective Live Corporate Training Event

Live Corporate Training Event

Live corporate training events are essential for developing employees’ skills, enhancing engagement, and fostering real-time interaction among team members. However, the success of these events largely depends on how well they are structured. An effective live corporate training session should be designed to maximize engagement, knowledge retention, and practical application of skills.

Below are steps and strategies to help you structure a successful live corporate training event.

1. Define Clear Learning Objectives

The foundation of any successful training event is a set of well-defined learning objectives. These objectives serve as a guide to ensure that the training is focused and relevant. Begin by asking these key questions:

  • What should participants be able to do after the training?

  • Which skills or knowledge areas are most critical?

  • How will the effectiveness of the training be measured?

Best Practices:

  • SMART Objectives: Ensure that learning objectives are Specific, Measurable, Achievable, Relevant, and Time-bound.

  • Align with Business Goals: Link the training content to broader business goals, making the event more meaningful for participants.

Example: "By the end of the session, participants will be able to use the company’s CRM system to generate sales reports and analyze customer data effectively."

2. Plan and Structure the Agenda

A well-organized agenda is key to keeping the training event on track and ensuring that all relevant topics are covered. It also helps participants understand the flow of the session and what is expected of them.

Key Components of the Agenda:

  • Introduction and Icebreaker (5–10 minutes): Begin with an introduction that outlines the purpose of the session and the expected outcomes. Use an icebreaker to get participants comfortable and engaged.

  • Presentation or Lecture (20–30 minutes): Deliver key information using slides, videos, or demonstrations. Keep presentations concise and focused.

  • Interactive Activities (15–30 minutes): Integrate activities like group discussions, role-playing, or case studies to apply knowledge and keep participants engaged.

  • Q&A Session (10–15 minutes): Allocate time for participants to ask questions and clarify doubts.

  • Summary and Next Steps (5–10 minutes): Conclude with a summary of the key points and explain any follow-up actions or materials.

Best Practices:

  • Timing: Keep segments of the session short to maintain engagement, especially for virtual events. Plan for regular breaks to avoid fatigue.

  • Pacing: Ensure there’s a balance between information delivery and interaction, preventing information overload.

3. Incorporate Interactive Elements

Engagement is crucial to the success of live corporate training. Participants are more likely to retain information if they are actively involved in the learning process. Incorporate interactive elements throughout the event to maintain attention and foster collaboration.

Interactive Tools and Techniques:

  • Polls and Quizzes: Use live polls and quizzes throughout the session to test knowledge and gather feedback in real-time.

  • Breakout Sessions: For virtual training, breakout rooms can facilitate small group discussions, helping participants dive deeper into topics.

  • Role-Playing and Simulations: Role-playing exercises can help participants practice new skills in a realistic scenario.

  • Live Chat and Q&A: Encourage participants to ask questions and interact with each other through chat during virtual events. For in-person events, consider using digital platforms like Slido or Mentimeter to manage Q&A sessions.

Best Practices:

  • Variety: Incorporate different types of interactions (e.g., group work, individual activities) to keep participants engaged.

  • Encourage Participation: Reward active participants with recognition or incentives to encourage widespread engagement.

4. Use High-Quality Training Materials

Training materials are a critical part of a live corporate training event. They provide participants with resources they can refer to during and after the event. It’s important to ensure that all materials are clear, concise, and relevant to the training objectives.

Types of Training Materials:

  • Presentation Slides: Well-designed slides should complement the trainer’s presentation, not overwhelm with text. Use visuals like charts, graphs, and diagrams to reinforce key points.

  • Workbooks or Handouts: Provide participants with physical or digital handouts that they can use during the session. Include spaces for note-taking to encourage active listening.

  • Supplemental Resources: Offer resources such as infographics, articles, and case studies that participants can access after the session for further learning.

Best Practices:

  • Accessible Formats: Ensure that all materials are easy to read and available in multiple formats (e.g., downloadable PDFs, printed copies).

  • Brevity and Focus: Avoid overloading materials with excessive information. Focus on key takeaways and actionable points.

5. Include Practical Application Opportunities

One of the most effective ways to ensure that participants retain the information presented in a live training event is to provide opportunities for practical application. By allowing employees to practice new skills, you enhance their learning experience and improve long-term retention.

Ways to Include Practical Application:

  • Real-World Scenarios: Present participants with real-world scenarios that they might encounter in their roles. Have them solve problems or apply knowledge to these situations.

  • Hands-On Exercises: If training involves software or tools, give participants a chance to practice using them in real-time.

  • Group Projects: Assign participants group projects that require collaboration and application of the training content.

Best Practices:

  • Immediate Feedback: Provide immediate feedback after practical activities to help participants understand what they did right and where they can improve.

  • Reinforcement: Encourage participants to use new skills in their daily tasks and follow up with reinforcement training or support when necessary.

6. Facilitate Ongoing Engagement Post-Event

A live training event should not be viewed as a one-time occurrence. To make the learning truly impactful, it’s important to provide follow-up materials and foster ongoing engagement after the session.

Post-Event Strategies:

  • Follow-Up Materials: Send participants a recap of the session, along with any additional resources like articles, videos, or links to further learning opportunities.

  • Surveys and Feedback: Collect feedback from participants to assess the effectiveness of the training and identify areas for improvement. Tools like SurveyMonkey or Google Forms are great for this.

  • Discussion Forums: Create an online forum or group (e.g., on Slack or Microsoft Teams) where participants can continue discussing the topics covered in the training.

  • Assessments and Certifications: Consider offering assessments post-training and rewarding participants with certifications upon successful completion.

Best Practices:

  • Regular Check-Ins: Schedule follow-up meetings or check-ins to see how participants are applying the knowledge and if they require further support.

  • Encourage Peer Support: Promote peer learning by encouraging participants to share their experiences or tips with others post-event.

7. Evaluate and Measure Success

To ensure that your live training event is effective, it’s important to evaluate its success using both quantitative and qualitative measures.

Metrics to Track:

  • Attendance and Engagement: Measure participation rates and engagement during the session (e.g., responses to polls, number of questions asked).

  • Knowledge Retention: Use quizzes or post-training assessments to measure how much participants have learned and retained from the session.

  • Participant Feedback: Collect feedback on the content, delivery, and overall experience of the training event.

  • Application of Skills: Track whether participants are applying the skills or knowledge gained from the training in their roles.

Best Practices:

  • Continuous Improvement: Use the insights gained from evaluations to continuously improve the structure and delivery of future training events.

  • Follow-Up Surveys: Conduct follow-up surveys weeks or months after the event to gauge the long-term impact of the training.

An effective live corporate training event requires careful planning, engaging content, and opportunities for interaction and practical application. By defining clear learning objectives, incorporating interactive elements, and providing ongoing support, businesses can create a training experience that not only engages participants during the session but also drives long-term professional development.

With the right structure in place, live corporate training events can be a powerful tool for upskilling employees and enhancing overall organizational performance.

Best Practices When Combining Live Sessions with On-Demand Corporate Training

As remote and hybrid work environments become more prevalent, many companies are turning to a blend of live sessions and on-demand content to deliver corporate training programs. This combination provides flexibility while maintaining the engagement and real-time interaction that live sessions offer.

To maximize the benefits of this blended approach, companies should follow certain best practices to ensure a seamless and effective training experience for all participants.

1. Establish Clear Learning Objectives

Before diving into the logistics of combining live and on-demand training, it’s essential to define clear learning objectives. What skills or knowledge do you want participants to acquire? This step will help you structure the content and determine which topics are best suited for live sessions versus on-demand delivery.

  • Live Sessions: Ideal for complex topics that require real-time interaction, hands-on activities, or Q&A sessions.

  • On-Demand Content: Best for foundational knowledge, company policies, tutorials, and self-paced learning materials.

By clearly mapping out which training components align with live or on-demand delivery, you can ensure that learners get the right balance of interaction and autonomy.

2. Leverage Technology for Seamless Integration

To effectively blend live sessions with on-demand content, it’s important to use technology platforms that facilitate a smooth learning experience. Learning Management Systems (LMS) that offer both live video conferencing integration and content hosting are ideal for this purpose.

  • Choose a Robust LMS: Platforms like LMS Portals or Cornerstone allow you to host on-demand content while scheduling and delivering live sessions within the same platform.

  • Integrate Video Conferencing Tools: Integrate tools like Zoom or Microsoft Teams with your LMS to ensure that learners can easily switch between live training and on-demand materials without technical disruptions.

  • Automate Notifications and Reminders: Set up automated notifications to remind learners of upcoming live sessions and direct them to on-demand prework or follow-up materials.

3. Pre-Session Preparations

A key advantage of combining live sessions with on-demand content is the ability to use pre-recorded materials to prepare participants for live interactions. This ensures that everyone comes to the live session with a basic understanding of the topic, allowing the session to be more focused on discussion, problem-solving, and advanced concepts.

  • Assign Prerequisite Content: Provide learners with on-demand materials such as videos, articles, or case studies that must be completed before the live session.

  • Use Quizzes or Surveys: Before the live session, create a quiz or survey to gauge participants' understanding and gather insights into areas that need more focus during the session.

  • Encourage Active Engagement: By assigning preparatory work, you encourage learners to come to live sessions with questions, increasing participation and engagement.

4. Maximize Interaction During Live Sessions

While on-demand content can provide flexibility and convenience, live sessions offer the benefit of real-time interaction. It's essential to use this time wisely to foster engagement, collaboration, and active learning.

  • Use Breakout Rooms: For smaller group discussions or practical exercises, use breakout rooms in platforms like Zoom to give learners the chance to collaborate and share ideas.

  • Encourage Questions: Facilitate Q&A sessions where learners can ask questions related to the on-demand materials they’ve completed. This allows for deeper exploration of complex topics.

  • Interactive Tools: Use polling, quizzes, and whiteboard features to create interactive moments during live sessions, keeping participants engaged.

5. Make Recordings Available for Review

Even if live sessions are intended to be a key part of the learning experience, some participants may be unable to attend due to scheduling conflicts. Providing recorded versions of live sessions ensures that no one misses out on critical content.

  • Record and Upload: Record live sessions and upload them to your LMS or training platform for learners to review later. This also helps those who attended the live session but need to revisit certain topics for better understanding.

  • Timestamp Key Sections: For ease of use, add timestamps or a table of contents to video recordings so that learners can quickly access the parts most relevant to them.

  • Complement with On-Demand Resources: Direct learners to related on-demand materials that complement the recorded live session, such as supporting documents, articles, or follow-up quizzes.

6. Balance Synchronous and Asynchronous Learning

One of the biggest challenges when blending live and on-demand training is finding the right balance between synchronous (live) and asynchronous (on-demand) learning. Too much of one or the other can negatively impact the learning experience.

  • Determine Ideal Timing: If your training is part of a long-term program, consider alternating between live and on-demand sessions. For example, schedule live sessions weekly while providing on-demand content learners can complete at their own pace in between.

  • Encourage Peer Collaboration: Encourage participants to engage in discussion forums or collaborative projects in between live sessions. This keeps them actively involved with the learning material even during the asynchronous portions of the training.

  • Assess Engagement Levels: Regularly check participation rates in both live sessions and on-demand materials. If learners are not engaging with one type of content, adjust the balance or explore ways to make it more engaging.

7. Track Progress and Provide Feedback

Tracking learner progress and providing timely feedback are critical components of a successful blended training program. This allows trainers to identify gaps in understanding and ensure that learners are meeting the desired learning objectives.

  • Use LMS Analytics: Many LMS platforms offer analytics that track completion rates, quiz scores, and engagement levels. Use these insights to identify areas where learners might be struggling and adjust future training accordingly.

  • Provide Regular Feedback: After live sessions, provide feedback on performance during group activities or Q&A participation. For on-demand content, set up quizzes and assignments that offer immediate feedback to learners.

  • Encourage Reflection: Have learners reflect on both live and on-demand experiences by completing post-session surveys or journaling exercises. This helps them internalize key lessons and think critically about the content.

8. Create a Continuous Learning Loop

The combination of live sessions and on-demand content should not be seen as a one-time event. Instead, aim to create a continuous learning loop where learners can revisit materials, practice new skills, and stay engaged long after the training event.

  • Offer On-Demand Refresher Courses: Make on-demand content available as a reference library that learners can access whenever they need to refresh their knowledge or revisit complex topics.

  • Schedule Follow-Up Sessions: Host periodic live follow-up sessions to address questions or explore more advanced concepts that have emerged since the initial training.

  • Foster a Learning Community: Encourage learners to continue collaborating and discussing training topics in a dedicated online forum or chat group, fostering ongoing learning and professional development.


Blending live sessions with on-demand corporate training can provide an effective, flexible, and engaging learning experience when done correctly. By establishing clear objectives, leveraging technology, balancing synchronous and asynchronous content, and actively engaging participants, businesses can create a robust training program that meets the diverse needs of their workforce.

Following these best practices will help ensure that your corporate training efforts are both impactful and scalable, ultimately leading to higher employee performance and satisfaction.

About LMS Portals

At LMS Portals, we provide our clients and partners with a SaaS-based, multi-tenant learning management system that allows you to launch a dedicated training environment (a portal) for each of your unique audiences.

The system includes built-in, SCORM-compliant rapid course development software that provides a drag and drop engine to enable most anyone to build engaging courses quickly and easily. 

We also offer a complete library of ready-made courses, covering most every aspect of corporate training and employee development.

If you choose to, you can create Learning Paths to deliver courses in a logical progression and add structure to your training program.  The system also supports Virtual Instructor-Led Training (VILT) and provides tools for social learning.

Together, these features make the LMS Portals platform the ideal SaaS-based platform for to support both Live and On-Demand Corporate Training activities.

Contact us today to get started or visit our Partner Program pages 

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