No business should ever stand still, nor should the development of its staff as they represent the primary asset for most organizations. Given this, regularly scheduled corporate training is essential in driving the ongoing skills development of your employees. Today, corporate training comes in the form of such things as leadership and management, finance and accounting, sales and marketing, human resource management, customer service, personal development and more. A training investment in any of these areas helps employees and managers to build enhanced communication, teamwork, and problem-solving skills. In addition, effective corporate training can enhance your team’s ability to learn from a quickly changing environment and adapt accordingly.
Four Types of Corporate Training Programs to Consider
The list below represents four types of corporate training your company should consider implementing to enhance the skillsets of your employees and to make your organization more competitive.
Management and Leadership Development
For the most part, the companies that successfully keep employee turnover rates low are those that offer a healthy company culture along with a consistently strong bottom line. These companies understand that, in order to keep the best and brightest employees, the organization must offer a pathway to advancement. However, to be qualified for these elevated roles, employees need to build appropriate leadership skills. For this reason, corporate training programs that include the development of leadership skills are extremely valuable.
Workplace Ethics
The development and enforcement of solid workplace ethics helps to ensure a positive corporate ambience. Adherence to workplace ethics leads to satisfied employees who enjoy being at the workplace and can builds a sense of loyalty towards the organization. Your Human Resources department should be equipped to spearhead regular, sanctioned trainings in this area.
Customer Communications
Customer service specialists represent one group of employees who can gain the most from a corporate training program. Their job duties have them answering customer questions, dealing with complaints and managing feedback. Without training that provides guidelines, they can quickly become overwhelmed. Further, the way a business treats its customer says a lot about its culture and operations and can have a lasting impact on the company’s brand and reputation.
Creative Thinking
Creative thinking is one of the most important skills an employee can develop, almost regardless of their role at the company. A creative thinking training course help your employees learn this valuable art and begin to generate, assess, and choose the best ideas and solutions. These courses should offer creative thinking tools and techniques to help the company drive personal and company growth.
eLearning: A Powerful and Cost-Effective Corporate Training Solution
Companies of all sizes and from all over the world are experiencing the advantages of moving their corporate training online. For organizations looking to build a new corporate training program, the advantages of eLearning greatly outweigh those classroom-based learning. Efficiency is extremely valuable to businesses today, and so many organizations are turning to eLearning to save money, time, and energy while offering the highest level of convenience for students, instructors, and administrators.
Here are some of the benefits companies can gain from implementing eLearning for their corporate training solution.
With eLearning, you are able to reduce, or even eliminate, many of the costs associated with classroom-based training, such as travel, venue fees, instructor fees, meals, and the distribution of printed learning materials. And with eLearning, you are able to eliminate lost productivity costs as your employees are able to conduct their learning activities during breaks or after hours.
eLearning provides your students and instructors with a level of convenience that is not possible with in-person training. Users can engage with an eLearning platform at any time and from any location that offers an Internet connection.
One of the unfortunate aspects of classroom-based training is the need for learners to keep up with the pace set by the instructor. eLearning eliminates this challenge by allowing learners to work at their own pace. They can even revisit difficult or important materials multiple times before moving on to the next section.
Many eLearning platforms now offer tools to capture and analyze important engagement and success data. The use of this data can be extremely valuable as you look to revise and improve your corporate training program over time.
LMS Portals- Your Corporate Training Solution
LMS Portals provides a cloud-based platform that allows you to build and manage your own branded eLearning portal. Our system serves as a powerful corporate training solution to build, deliver, and measure your corporate training program.
Contact us to discuss corporate training solutions and your own customized eLearning portal.