SCORM Hosting for Corporate eLearning
SCORM (Shareable Content Object Reference Model) has become the most used content standard in eLearning. Since its release roughly twenty years ago, the SCORM specification has served to standardize learning content among the many developers and vendors in the eLearning industry. Specifically, the SCORM standard governs the way in which Learning Management Systems (LMSs) and eLearning content communicate with each other.
SCORM Interoperability
The most significant benefit that SCORM brings to the eLearning industry interoperability. If you are a company that produces eLearning content, it is likely that your clients will have a requirement that your content can be used on the LMS of their choice. Or if you are an LMS vendor, your clients may want to leverage content from various sources. SCORM enables this integration to seamlessly occur. In the absence of SCORM, the process for integrating with multiple vendors can be both time-consuming and expensive. SCORM will increase your organization’s efficiency while decreasing its support burden.
Additional SCORM Benefits
In addition to interoperability, the other SCORM benefits include:
Locating and accessing instructional components from a single remote location for delivery to multiple other locations.
The ability to customize instruction to the needs of an individual or an organization.
The opportunity to increase both efficiency and productivity by decreasing the time and expense associated with delivery.
The ability to tolerate technology changes without the need for expensive redesign or recoding.
The flexibility to integrate instructional elements in numerous applications and contexts.
Different Types of SCORM
Today, there are essentially five versions of SCORM: SCORM 1.1, SCORM 1.2, SCORM 2004 2nd Edition, SCORM 2004 3rd Edition and SCORM 2004 4th edition. Determining which version(s) you should work with simply depends on what you need from your content or the type of content your customers are working with so that you can provide support from your LMS.
SCORM Hosting on a Compliant LMS
A SCORM-compliant LMS is an eLearning platform that recognizes SCORM and allows you to leverage its benefits. This allows your organization to develop and work with content without concern for being “locked in” by any one vendor’s content or technical requirements.
In working with SCORM-compliant LMS hosting, you are able to standardize on:
Coursework Communication
This allows you to develop content using any SCORM-complaint authoring tool with the knowledge that it can be hosted and supported by any SCORM-compliant LMS.
Content and Coursework Connectivity
This allows content authors and designers to build a hierarchy between any individual piece of content and the course in which it is contained.
Measure and Track User Progress
This provides for standardized measures for how user activity is measured. This allows users to stop/start a course with the opportunity to return to the same spot when they resume the learning activity.
Test and Quiz Scoring
This ensures that each learner received credit for their progress for any assessment.
If SCORM is a requirement for your organization to achieve its eLearning goals, then you will need to work with an appropriate authoring tool, which is a separate piece of software developed specifically for the creation of eLearning courses.
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